

354 Uppsatser om Expatriate communities - Sida 1 av 24

Att "bli" en svensk expatriate : Rums- och identitets(re)konstruktioner ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv

Denna uppsats undersöker de rums- och identitets(re)konstruktioner som sker i mötet med De Andra. Semistrukturerade djupintervjuer med elva personer som har erfarenhet av arbete i postkolonial miljö ? i detta fall Tanzania - samt platsobservation av ett så kallat ?expatriate community? ger empiri som analyseras med en dekonstruktiv intersektionell ansats. Studien visar att identitetsmarkörer korsas och skapar identitets(re)konstruktioner. Processen framkallar det objekt som inte tillhör det egna Jaget och skapar ett Dem ? samtidigt som det sker omförhandlingar beträffande hemlandet och dess invånare.

Den Nöjda Expatriaten - De viktigaste komponenterna inom ett kompensationspaket och hur de bidrar till lojalitet samt motivation hos expatriaten

A global world and international business induces not only opportunities for organizations such as increased possibilities to reach new markets but also challenges to maintain a coherent business. To meet these challenges, organizations need to harbor a global workforce where employees are sent abroad. These employees are called expatriates and receive very lucrative compensation packages to cover their increased expenses. Compensation packages are not only expensive but represent in their totality also a complex strategic challenge for both the organization and the expatriate. The purpose of this paper is to investigate which components of a compensation package that are important for different segments of expatriates.

Virtuella communityn: en fallstudie om independentskivbolags användning av virtuella communityn

The purpose of this thesis was to study the importance of virtual communities for independent record companies. It also aims to examine how these companies use virtual communities in their marketing activities and how to gain competitive advantages by working with virtual communities. A case study based on interviews was conducted with managers from two independent record companies, Music Is My Girlfriend Recordings and B&B Records. Our study has shown that virtual communities are important for independent record companies as tools for finding and addressing the right target market. Useful information about the members of these communities can easily be gathered with the use of the various search options that are available.

Virtuella Communities : Sociala faktorer i digitala miljöer

Virtual Communities is an increasingly common phenomenon on the Internet. Most of the Virtual Communities are operated and maintained on a non-profit basis with a direction towards entertainment. However, as more state administrated and commercial services become web-based, we believe that the number of Virtual Communities with a community-based or commercial direction will increase in a near future. In this thesis, we describe our participation in, and studies of, a number of Virtual Communities with focus on the IRC-channel ?3dfxsweden?.

Gated communities : The american dream - den svenska mardrömmen?

This is an essay about gated communities and their impact on society. The key questions of my essay are: why people choose to live in gated communities; how the city is impacted by gated communities and what the difference concerning the reasons and impact of gated communities in Florida and Sweden is, and what this difference might depend on. I am using postmodern urbanism as a starting point, and I look closer on Edward J. Soja?s theories about the postmodern metropolis.

Lita på mig! En studie av tillit på virtual communities

The technical achievements that have occurred in recent years have led to a greater use of the Internet around the world. Today, more and more people are using virtual communities, a place where communication occurs with people who have similar interest. Due to the option of being an anonymous user, the concept of trust plays a big part in how virtual communities are working. It is therefore of interest to investigate how trust develops between users in virtual communities. This report asks the following question:"How is trust formed between users at a virtual community?"A qualitative and netnographical study was conducted to answer the question above.

Virtuella Communities: Sociala faktorer i digitala miljöer

Virtual Communities is an increasingly common phenomenon on the Internet. Most of the Virtual Communities are operated and maintained on a non-profit basis with a direction towards entertainment. However, as more state administrated and commercial services become web-based, we believe that the number of Virtual Communities with a community-based or commercial direction will increase in a near future. In this thesis, we describe our participation in, and studies of, a number of Virtual Communities with focus on the IRC-channel ?3dfxsweden?. On the basis of our experiences, we describe the social elements that form the foundation on which the Virtual Community rely on.

Communities ? en marknadsföringskanal med effekt?

Datum:         2008-11-13 Nivå:             Kandidatuppsats i Företagsekonomi, 15 Högskolepoäng Författare:  Amina Ahmed Ibrahim                 Carol Nakajugo Basudde Handledare: Mats Viimne Titel:             Communities ? en marknadsföringskanal med effekt? Syfte:            Att beskriva communities som marknadsföringskanal och dess kommunikationseffekt. Metod:          Primärdatainsamlingen för denna uppsats har skett via intervjuer som utförts på tre olika sätt, personligt möte, telefonintervjun samt e-post intervju. Uppsatsen har baserats på fältstudier av fyra communities i Sverige, nämligen Lunarstorm, Glife, Nightlife och Nattstad. Sekundärdata har använts i form av böcker, artiklar och Internet. Slutsats:        Fördelen av att företag använder sig av communities är bl.a. träffsäkerheten och att företag ska enklare kunna nå ut till målgruppen som deras reklamannonser riktar sig till.

Segmenting online communities

Thesis purpose: The main purpose of this study is to empirically verify the applicability of Kozinets´ model on an interest, activity or lifestyle based online community, in order to develop an adaptive segmentation approach for segmenting online communities. Methodology: This research is deductive by nature, cross-sectional by design and undertakes a quantitative approach using self-completion questionnaire as a part of a web survey to collect the empirical data needed. Theoretical perspective: The main theories guiding our work and supporting the findings of this study include: market segmentation (descriptive and behavioural) and communities (consumer communities and online communities). Empirical data: A web survey with self-completion questionnaire used to gather empirical data from members of interest, activity or lifestyle based online communities. Conclusions: This study took the specific characteristics of online communities into more consideration than previous research and literature has done and also recognized that an adaptive segmentation approach is needed, depending on the communities of study.

Den svenska invandraren: En studie om utlandssvenskar och återvändare

Should I/we move abroad or not? This is a question that surely many of today?s expatriate Swedes asked themselves and was probably largely debated by most. How does is feel to move back to Sweden? I have chosen to contact a number of expatriate Swedes and some that have returned, in order to receive answers to these questions.The aim with this thesis is to study the experiences and thoughts of people living in a different country as to were they were born and also those of people returning to Sweden. I have used a hermeneutic analytical method alongside a socio-psychological identity perspective when I studied the replies of my 69 respondents.

Online communities : En studie av Lunarstorms framgång

Communities är ett hett ämne som idag ständigt diskuteras i media. Människor blir mer och mer benägna att interagera online och mängden med online communities ökar i takt med detta. I Sverige finns en community som heter Lunarstorm som har blivit ett fenomen som inte har skådats någon annanstans. Med sina 1,3 miljoner användare är det absolut störst i Sverige idag. Jag har i min uppsats tagit fram ett antal faktorer ur litteraturen som är avgörande för ett online communities framgång.

Virtuell community i mobilen - Kriterier som ligger till grund för en framgångsrik virtuell community i mobilen

Sociala nätverk tar stor plats på Internet genom virtuella communities. Användare har en större möjlighet att nå dem via mobila lösningar och därmed göra dem till mobila communities. Kriterierna som ligger till grund för framgång för virtuella communitiesvill vi applicera på mobila communities. För att undersöka dessa kriterier, och bakomliggande faktorer, har vi valt att titta på ?tidigt bruk? användning av en mobil community, Facebooks mobila portal med hjälp av Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).

Jakten på en hållbar stad : reflektioner kring hållbarhet samt en applicering av BREEAM Communities på Bo01

Detta examensarbete är resultatet av arbetet under sista delen av min landskapsarkitektutbildning på Alnarp, SLU. Arbetet riktar sig främst till de med ett intresse för frågor som hållbar stadsbyggnad och stadsplanering. Arbetets grund ligger i en utvärdering av stadsdelen Bo01 i Malmö enligt ett certifieringssystem för hela stadsdelar ? BREEAM Communities. Som upptakt till detta görs en omvärldsanalys och introduktion av aktuella miljöfrågor, och då i synnerhet sådana med relation till staden. Med hjälp av de bedömningsverktyg BREEAM Communities erbjuder görs en utvärdering av ett antal aspekter på Bo01.

Borta bra, men hemma bäst? : En studie om ledarskap i en interkulturell kontext

The aim of this thesis is to create an understanding about how and to what extent a Swedish expatriate manager needs to adapt his/her leadership in accordance with the culture of the host country. Thus shall different managers? perceptions of experienced management overseas be studied. To accomplish our aim, three different problems have been designed. These are as follows: In what way does the manager?s earlier experiences and knowledge about expatriation affect her or his leadership in a new cross-cultural context? How does the culture of the host country affect the expatriate manager?s leadership? How does the expatriate manager handle contradictory demands: that is differences in expectations from subordinates and the higher management? We have chosen to use an abductive approach in order to do a qualitative study and we have therefore conducted eight case studies to create a foundation for distinguishing patterns.The case studies are based on eight Swedish managers with experience from expatriation. The theoretical framework is structured upon three main themes including; knowledge and skills a global leader needs to possess, the relation between the leader and subordinates, and contradictory demands.

Communities - Nätgemenskap ut ett sociologiskt perspektiv

Detta är en kvalitativ, kvantitativ och teoretisk studie om människor och communities. Utifrån bland annat teoretiker som Giddens belyses ämnen som postmodernism och vart den har först oss. Utifrån Israels sammanfattning av teoretiker kan man ta del av Bourdieus tankar om socialt och kulturellt kapital, samt sociala fält.De egna teorierna har uppstått ur kvalitativa undersökningar såsom intervjuer. Även kvantitativa undersökningar har gjorts på medlemmar på community Helgon. I analyskapitlet sammanvävs frågeställningarna med teoretikerna och undersökningarna.

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